Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Ek'abo Ebi! (Welcome Family!)

Just wanted to share my continued journey in the world that is Amachi's Hope.  I took a few more steps towards publishing.  I sent in a submission yesterday to Pitch Wars.  For those of you who are not familiar, Pitch Wars is an opportunity to have your unpublished (finished) novel read by an agent.  But first you need to be chosen by a mentor.  This mentor can be an author who has already been published or perhaps an editor etc. He or she will work with you to tighten up your manuscript, making it the best it can be before it is presented to an agent for review.  The process (once chosen) will be two (2) grueling months. 

I use the word grueling because the mentors will be no joke. You will be shining up your pitch, strengthening your first chapter, making your words fly out of the ball park (if it doesn't already) LOL!  You will be opening yourself to critiques and revisions. (This is nothing new.) 

The genres represented are YA, MG, Adult, and NA.  Seventy-five mentors in all! Isn't that insane?! Each mentor has a bio which talks about themselves, the genre(s) they write in and why you should chose them as a mentor.  Some of them are seasoned (meaning they've been involved in this competition before) and others are first timers.  From what I gather, a number of unpublished authors (in the past) have received opportunities for representation.  DEFINITELY A PLUS!

As I mentioned before, if you don't put yourself out there you'll never know what great opportunities await you.  I have sent my positive energy out to the universe and I'm hoping that I get it back.  The way I see it even if I get chosen as an alternate (they choose one, plus an alternate in case their first choice drops out) I would still see it as a huge compliment.  To be considered, means that all my hardwork was not in vain.  That my work has caught the 'right' kind of attention. And the light at the end of the tunnel is just that much closer.

Wish me luck guys! I sent in my first chapter and the infamous (cue the Jaws theme music) query letter. LOL! It will be about two weeks before I know if I was picked.  And the agent round will be the first week of November.  (twenty-five different literary agencies ARGH!!) Lets see what happens :)

Mari e laipe!
See you soon!



For all of you who have been visiting my blog each week, I greatly appreciate it.  I hope that you’ll continue to do so.  But I would really love to see more of your comments. Whether it is today’s post or entries in the past.  Tell me what you think of the direction I’ve taken so far or any thoughts or suggestions you may have J

It has come to my attention that some of my readers have been unable to comment as they do not have google accounts.  If you would like to comment, I welcome you to e-mail me directly at amachi.is.hope@gmail.com.

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