Monday, March 24, 2014


Ek'abo Ebi! (Welcome Family!)

I’m on Amtrak in route to Norfolk.  I am exhausted and even though I should be taking a much needed nap, I feel compelled to write.  Have you found yourself in such a situation?  Do you find that you must write, even if it’s a simple thought or an idea?  Do you find yourself doodling away on little pieces of paper, or scribbling on the inside of a paperback that happened to be at the bottom of your bag?  Do you whip out your iPad or iPhone mid thought, because you were inspired by something you saw? If you are guilty of this (or other weird behaviors) then you my friend are a writer. 

Here are some of the things and/or thoughts that made me realize that I too was suffering from this ailment. LOL!
  1. The birth of a book is a labor of love. I’m still in labor.
  2. Critiquing is no longer a bad word.
  3. I finally found the courage to introduce myself as a writer.
  4. I attend conferences with activities such as Pitchapalooza and the 7 minute pitch. (neither have anything to do w/ baseball)
  5. My computer is like a purse, it’s always at my side.
  6. Author interviews are the best; especially when they are about me.
  7. New and old characters battle for space in my head.
  8. New characters take umbrage and get verbal when they don’t like the direction a story has taken.
  9. Social Media has become an ally.
  10. I visualize my first book signing.
  11. The line is around the corner.
  12. It’s at Barnes & Noble J
  13. Your editor can be your friend or an enemy. (Depending on the day.)
  14. You hate the sight of red ink.
  15. Dedication takes on a new meaning.
  16. So does frustration.
  17. You develop a new respect for the term “Writer’s Block.”
  18. You wonder if a Masters in Creative Writing is really worth the money.
  19. The devil really is in the details; especially when writing a book.
  20. Illustrations are also running around in my head.
  21. Words like genre, revisions, publishing, and query are a part of regular conversation.
  22. You find some way to cook and read at the same time.
  23. A closed door in a house full of children is precious.
  24. So is silence.
  25. Library is a beautiful word.
  26. Someone touches your manuscript w/o permission. You threaten bodily harm.
  27. My spouse offered to write something on my blog. As sweet as the thought was, I looked at him as if he had two heads.
  28. Thesaurus is a good friend of mine.
  29. Life has become fodder. It gives me inspiration for new work.
  30. Publishing is a goal not just a word.    
Step back and think about it.  How many crazy, weird, quirky, obsessive, flighty, amusing things have you done, that made you realize that you are now among the growing ranks of writers?  Dedicated to their craft and determined to reach their goals.  As my process continues, I believe my list will continue to grow.  As my accomplishments grow, I will look at my list and appreciate all I have done (no matter how silly) because they’ve led me to who I am and who I will become. 

Reach out and tell me! What things have you done that made you realize who you are? I’d love to hear about them J 

Mari e laipe!
See you soon!  


Thanks for visiting ‘Amachi is Hope.’ If you were inspired or felt a connection with today’s blog (or any of my previous entries) please leave a comment. J

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