Ek'abo Ebi! (Welcome Family!)
On Saturday night, I attended my firm’s Christmas party. I went there with low
expectations. I believed I would be
walking into a corporate cocktail party. You know those “wine and cheese”
gatherings; all fake smiles and boring conversation. Sort of like what I’ve
experienced in the past. Imagine my
surprise and pleasure when my hubby and I walked in on a jamming live band, great
food and drinks.
You would think that in such a relaxed atmosphere,
that more people would have been willing to dance. But no, out of the hundred
or so people that attended only fifteen of us danced at one time or
another. Wallflowers verses the
courageous ones LOL. As I was dragged
onto the dance floor for the umpteenth time, I looked around at the people on
the outside looking in. And it made me
think about the journey I’ve been on in 2013.
At one time or another, I was just like the
wallflowers at the party. Either too
scared to take a step forward or too concerned about how others would perceive
me. I’m proud to say that I was a risk taker in 2013. I took chances that I would never have taken in
the past. I put myself forward, reached
out and introduced myself and Amachi
to the masses. I created this blog, I’ve
done author interviews on other blogs, and I even entered a writing contest or
Yes, I also had some setbacks (publisher and agent
rejections) but what writer hasn’t had setbacks? It is well known that the path to publishing
is a tumultuous one. Only the truly
lucky are able to avoid the twist and turns.
There are only a few days left in the year and there’s
still time left for the unexpected to happen to you. You might get that “email” or “phone call”
that will be taking you down a new and exciting road in 2014. You may have
“finally” caught the eye of an agent or publisher. Your short story or article is going to be
published. An illustrator, who you could
never afford, has offered to do the cover of your book. You may have even found the perfect editor to
help you get on the road to publishing perfection.
What have you done family? What experiences have you had in 2013. I’ve been sharing my experiences with you and
I would love to hear about yours. Have
you been published? Have you experienced
disappointments? Have you finally found
the courage to write the book of your dreams? I would love hear your story!
I am resolute.
I am determined. In 2014 I will
bring myself that much closer to publishing Amachi’s
Hope. Will I be published? Well only the cards and god’s will (depending
on which you believe in) will decide.
But I will not just stand by and wait for something to be handed to
me. I will take it for myself.
It is said that the meek will not inherit the
earth. Don’t be an outsider looking
in. Don’t let the world pass you
by. Step up, take chances, and let 2014
be the year of your awakening! I hope
that you will reach out to me and share your experiences in the New Year!
Mari e laipe!
See you soon!
for visiting ‘Amachi is Hope.’ If you were inspired or felt a connection
with today’s blog post (or any of my previous entries) please leave a
comment. J
Sigh the struggle lol. We keep making steps forward that all that matters in the great scheme of things