Monday, October 14, 2013


Ek'abo Ebi! (Welcome Family!)
Some of my dear friends visited with me this weekend. My girlfriend is pursuing her degree and she is currently taking a course in World Religion. One of the religions that they’ve touched upon (interestingly enough) is the Yoruba religion.
When her professor mentioned the topic, her mind rocked back on the book I wrote, Amachi’s Hope.  And she remembered some of the deities I mentioned, and some of the terms I used, based on discussions we’ve had in the past. (I was absolutely tickled by this.J) Our discussion made me wonder: What is it like to influence someone in either a small or big way through your writing?

It was such a pleasure to know, that my words were heard.  That I have managed in some small way to educate my friend about a culture she knew nothing about; to know that I may have helped her to be ahead of the pack.
Writing carries with it a certain level of responsibility. It is quite possible to influence someone in a positive or negative way. There are so many different genres, so many different styles of writing.  If you are writing Adult Fiction you may not feel quite so much responsibility, because as an adult we are responsible for what we choose to read.  The author only writes the words.  The playing field changes when you are writing for children. (Whether it is for a pre-schooler or a young adult.) 
On top of the stress you face just from writing the book, you are now ever mindful of what you write, how you write it, the message you are trying to convey, “Is this topic too mature?”, “Are these illustrations appropriate?” Did you piss off a parent, or an educational community, because they feel that your topic is not age, religion, or gender appropriate? Phew! Who says writing is easy?? LOL!
Some of you may know that when I starting writing my book, it was originally meant to be a pre-school book for my boys.  By the time I was quarter way through, I knew that this book was no longer for a pre-schooler and that my boys would be reading it as teenagers.  Changing the reading age of my book will not deny me the opportunity to share a part of myself with my boys.  I hope that when they read my book, they too will become one of many who will be educated and influenced by what I have written. 
If writing your book has become a task or a job for you, perhaps you need to step back and look at it from afar.  Has something changed since you’ve started writing your book?  Is it still the book you’ve always wanted to write?  If your intention was to effect or influence another through your writing, do you think you are still able to do so?
Some of us may not want to admit it, but I believe it is in our deepest heart to not only see our name on the cover of a book but to also know that we will leave apart of ourselves, an imprint if you will, upon a reader once they are done; immortalizing ourselves for future generations to come.
My son showed me a book this weekend.  He said, “Mom, she has the same first name as you!” Smiling, I look at him and thought, “Now if only I could get my last name up there as well!”
Continue to be motivated fam!
Mari e laipe!
See you soon!



  1. Thank you for this wonderful post! you have definitely influenced me to step back and look at what I am writing (or re-writing for the 1000th time) to make sure my message is still relevant, valid...etc etc.
    I tell you this is right on time.
