Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Ek'abo Ebi! (Welcome Family!)
September 3rd! Finally the day had arrived when I would find out whether I was chosen as a mentee (or alternate mentee) for the Pitch Wars challenge.  It was 6:00 a.m. and as I prepared for the day, I grabbed my hubby’s phone. I pulled up the link and anxiously scanned down the list of names.  Would this be the day? Would this be the day when I would find myself leaps and bounds closer to my dream? The farther down the list I read, the more dread I felt.  To my disappointment I was not chosen. 
Yes, disappointment is the stock-in-trade of a writer. I have never heard of or met a writer who hasn’t faced some sort of setback during their journey.  None of us come out of the womb with the knowledge it takes to become a true writer.  It is something that is taught, learned and practiced.  But it is also something that you feel.  A lot goes into the process and many of us gain and lose parts of ourselves in equal portions.
I really wanted to believe that I was finally there; that my work was ready for the next level. To my surprise the mentors that I chose reached out to me and explained in different ways why I was not chosen by them. (some gentler than others LOL).  Though I received some positive critiques, what stood out to me most were words like ‘focus’ and ‘organization’.  This of course was a hard pill to swallow.  I decided to reach out to a mentor who I knew would be fair but straight-forward.
With everything that she shared with me, one thing really stood out.  She referred to a published writer who said in so many words, that one should write, finish and put aside their first manuscript.  Start on your next story but use all the things available to you such as critiquing groups, professional editors, social media etc.  Do things write, LOL I mean right the second time and work on getting that book published.  Once you’ve done that, go back to your first book.  You will have a different outlook on publishing.  You may in fact be more skilled.  You’ll be able to look at your old work with a more objective eye.  You’ll be able to see the glaringly obvious mistakes; all the things that you could not or would not see before.  Then perhaps you’ll be able to get that piece of work published.
When I read over her response to my correspondence again, I knew that she was right.  I was forced to re-evaluate my position.  ‘Amachi’s Hope’ is a great accomplishment for me. But I believe it is time for me to give more attention to my second story ‘The Grand Design’.  The characters there also have something to say.  Perhaps this book will also help in the diversity struggle.  It is hard to walk away from Amachi but she will always be there.  Her voice will not be forgotten and the light at the end of her tunnel will stay bright.  Her ancestors will also have their say one day.
I want to thank everyone who has supported me and ‘Amachi’s Hope’.  And though this will be my final blog post for Amachi Is Hope, I hope that you will continue to read what I have written in the past.  I hope that the messages, fun and bits of knowledge I have shared will continue to be useful to you.
In regards to the Orun saga, who knows perhaps it will become my third book! J This is not the end but a new beginning so I won’t say Od'abo, Good Bye! But I will say Pade orire, Good luck!

Thanks again!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Ek'abo Ebi! (Welcome Family!)
The entity with no name swiftly returned to the Ina and awn dudu village. The forest was eerily silent. Creatures of the night were without voice.  Kekere Kan and Aparo, Folami’s little messengers, huddled deep within the hollow trunk of a tree.  Whatever moved through the gloom felt like a predator and they had no intention of becoming its next meal.
The tribe had settled down for the night and the shadow slid soundlessly across the dry land.  It slithered up the side of a hut and listened to the conversation inside. 
“Sisters I have a bad feeling about this. This Kukoyi, this stranger, could not possibly mean us any good.  We’ve lived peacefully without connection with the outside world for hundreds of years. Why should we welcome him in?  Who knows what danger he brings!” said Folami weakly.  Lying down on her cot, she was not completely well and the day’s activities had taken their toll on her body.
“I understand Folami, I do.” responded Temitope.  “But besides the fear I felt from our people, I also felt curiosity especially from our youth. If we deny them even this smallest pleasure, this glimpse of the outside world, they may one day leave and never return.” 
“What do you think Ayotunde?” asked Temitope. 
“I too have some misgivings about this.” she answered.  “When he arrives, let us be welcoming but cautious.  Perhaps our people can learn something from him.”
“I’m sorry sisters but I do not agree.” mumbled Folami. 
Temitope and Ayotunde looked at Folami with sad eyes.  “Don’t look at me that way! Don’t look at me as if you pity me or think me paranoid.  The loss of my abilities has not made me any less insightful!” bellowed Folami.  “I know what I feel!”
“Peace sister, peace.” whispered Temitope as she rested her hand upon Folami shoulder. Folami sighed as the tension that was building within her dispersed.  “He is not here yet.  Let us discuss this more in the morn.  Get some rest.” she whispered once again.
Kissing Folami on her forehead, the sisters left. Allowing Folami time with her thoughts.  Modupe was on the other side of the village and Folami was glad.  She needed a few moments alone.  Turning over on her side, her back faced the window.  She did not see the shadow as it slipped into her room.  A small wooden bench directly behind her, held a goblet of water.  Within the goblet, the still water changed from clear to black and clear again.  The only indication of movement was the tiny bubbles that rose up and escaped their liquid home.
Just as the entity slid out of the window once more, Modupe returned. “Are you alright?” he asked.  “I’m not sure.” answered Folami.  “You blame me don’t you?” he queried.  “I blame you for nothing.” She responded knowing full well what he was referring to. “You only forced me to face my feelings for you.  You did not force me to make my choice.  That was my own.”  Looking up at him, she smiled and squeezed his hand.
Reaching out for the goblet, and raising it to her mouth, Folami took a deep swallow of the poisonous water.  Within moments, Folami clutched her stomach and yelled out in pain. “Modupe something is wrong! Fetch…” Before she finished the rest of her thought, she passed out.  Modupe had not taken two steps towards the door before Folami’s sisters burst in.
“By the goddess what has happened?” yelled Ayotunde. The very instant that Folami drank the water, the sisters could feel her pain. Modupe rehashed the last few moments before the incident. Moving swiftly towards the goblet, Temitope grabbed it and knew automatically what it was. “Oleander.” she whispered fearfully.
“What!” That plant has not been seen in hundreds of years.  I wouldn’t know where to begin to find a cure.  Even the plants needed to combat this poison no longer exist!” yelled Ayotunde.
“Who would do such a thing?  Folami has no enemies.” asked Modupe in a voice that was heavy with concern. 
“We will explore that later. Right now we do not have much time.  The longer it takes for us to find a cure, the deeper her sleep becomes. Soon we might not be able to awake her at all.” cried Temitope.
“It has been done.” whispered the entity to Kukoyi. “Good. Good.  I will make my presence known in the morn.” responded Kukoyi with a sinister smile.


For all of you who have been visiting my blog each week, I greatly appreciate it.  I hope that you’ll continue to do so.  But I would really love to see more of your comments. Whether it is today’s post or entries in the past.  Tell me what you think of the direction I’ve taken so far or any thoughts or suggestions you may have J


It has come to my attention that some of my readers have been unable to comment as they do not have google accounts.  If you would like to comment, I welcome you to e-mail me directly at


Mari e laipe!

See you soon!

